How we work

Our companies work responsibly all over the world.
Committed to safety
We make health and safety the utmost priority on all our worksites and production sites every single day; that’s the idea behind our Safety First commitment.
Our safety culture is founded on three pillars:
We are all working towards our shared goal of zero accidents.

Committed to the environment
Through our activity in the construction of infrastructure, civil works and buildings, we are driving the environmental transition.
Our environmental ambition involves:
Taking action for the climate
Optimising resources through the circular economy
Protecting natural environments
We strive to limit the direct impact of our activities. We are also committed to reducing our customers’ environmental impact by developing innovations and solutions that open the way for new services and business lines.

Committed to exemplarity
We are driven by our aim to set an example to all of our stakeholders.
In terms of corporate ethics, human rights and everything in between, we expect our teams to follow all regulations in force, in line with the commitments outlined in the and in our .