»Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ France »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ wins contract to build river access to Port 2000 in Le Havre »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ wins a contract to design and build a new waste-to-energy plant in Corrèze »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ and Eiffage Génie Civil secured in consortium with Veolia the design and build contract for the civil engineering of three SEDIF water treatment plants »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ wins the civil engineering contract for the extension of the Georges Besse II Nord uranium enrichment plant (France) »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ wins a new railway contract in France The consortium led by »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ wins the contract to recover excavated materials from the French side of the Mont-Cenis base tunnel (Lyon-Turin) »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ wins the first design-build contract for the Grand Paris Express (section of Line 15 West) »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ will carry out infrastructure work on a section of line 5 of Montpellier’s tramway »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ wins a contract for a new electrical interconnection between France and Spain Load more